Does Colour Taste?
A food and art experience by Beate Schöndienst

Welcome, my name is Beate Schöndienst and I love food and I love art.
As a professional chef & designer I got the inspiration of this Colour
Dinner – questioning how much do we care about our daily food?
Food is a part of our daily life,. Not only does food keep us alive and healthy, it can also give us an enourmous amount of pleasure. Vegetables form a large part of our diet, colouring our palates and plates. I asked myself whether there are new perspective to sense, discover and see vegetables and their taste? Are there new perspectives to be learned and discovered, in terms of taste, colour and texture?
The richly coloured food in Abu Dhabi, together with my visit to Rem Koolhaas`s Casa de Musica, got my thoughts running on this.
Adressing the question of whether colour tastes has the potentential of opening up a new perspective of composing dishes; and simultaneously exploring colour through taste. Could the consumption change our perception, as colour has become a part of us? In a slightly surreal approach, I questioned:
Does Colour Taste?
We are going from the very light colour of white to yellow, through
orange into red … from soft puree to little brunoise, more and more into texture and taste.
The structures of the vegetable create the preparation.
The colours choose the other teammates in the menu.
If possible, one of the courses should be eaten blindfold – this may enhance your concentration, curiosity and potential to be surprised! Please enjoy this playful, surrealistic evening!
Yours sincerely,
Beate Schöndienst
Nobel prize winner Eric Kandel with Beate Schöndienst
„Does Colour Taste?“ – ein wunderbarer philosophischer Ansatz, Beate Schöndienst packt uns bei unserer Wahrnehmung.
Upcoming events
DCT? at Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Exhibition: „Inventing Nature“
Date: postponed due to pandemic
DCT? at Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Exhibition: „Long Night of Museums“
Date: postponed due to pandemic
DCT? at Museum für Konkrete Kunst Ingolstadt
Exhibition: to be announced
Date: postponed due to pandemic
Past events
DCT? at Humboldt-Uni Berlin
Event: International ConferenC „Colour and Health“
Date: 25. – 26. August 2022
Event with Prof. Dr. Sascha Peters at HAUTE – INNOVATION
Event: invite-only
Date: Feb 2018
P360C Capitol Yard Golf Lounge
Event: Company event
Date: May 2018
Dinner Event with Dr. Martin Hoernes
Event: invite-only
Date: 2017
Event at the Ethiahd Towers by Jumeirah Abu Dhabi, with Martin Corrado & Stefan Fuchs GM Jumeirah Hotels
Event: dinner
Date: 2017
Katholische Hochschule
Event: youth inclusivity
Date: 2019
Villa Kult / Renate Roginas – European Film-Akademie
Event: summer dinner
Date: 2019